Latest in the increasingly busy field, Synthe FX has introduced Luminair 1.0, what’s different about this is the software should let those lighting engineers you see athletically hanging off the truss above the stage at gigs control their industry-standard DMX lighting systems using their iPhone and iPod touch.  Luminair 1.0 uses Artistic License’s Art-Net protocol over the device’s built-in WiFi connection, and communicates with other compatible hardware and software nodes on the local network.  You get a virtual muti-track touch-mixer and a channel layout interface. As a DMX data analyzer, data is displayed in realtime as a touch-scrollable overview of all lighting channel. It’s cool – it means LEDs can be unchained from the mixing desk or patch-bay in a way like never before. Oh, and you get realtime color manipulation using a Color Changer channel layout effect. Both fixtures and entire projects can be saved and restored at any time using a built-in file manager, making Luminair an indispensable tool for configuring intelligent lighting networks. Luminair is available exclusively for iPhone and iPod touch and costs $99 – we think it’s going to be popular among theatre and club lighting directors, and live band road crew.