The new release also sports an updated version of the ever so essential beta 6 and new .de localization for German users. There are no significant updates with regard to the 3G baseband unlock, according to the iPhone Dev Team. “PwnageTool 2.0.3 is available,” the developers reveal on their blog. “This version provides support for iPhone/iPod firmware 2.0.2 5C1, it has an updated beta (b6) and contains a new .de localization for our large amount of German friends.” The developers also reveal that the ‘150’ beta update to the Windows QuickPwn application is also available, offering fixes for YouTube and BootNeuter support for the unlocking of 2G iPhones. (Though they do warn that this is beta software). “QuickPwn Windows doesn’t work well with virtualization as there are some problems with the way USB resets are handled, so we wouldn’t advise trying it, we have had reports of some success with VMWare Fusion 2.0 Beta 2, but this shouldn’t be relied on, use PwnageTool instead, or wait for QuickPwn Mac,” the developers also warn. “QuickPwn for Mac is being tested right now by a group of testers and we’ll release this when it is ready for public beta (this won’t be within the next 24 hours, but should be within the next week),” they also revealed.