Jamf has just announced that it is adding support for Microsoft Azure Active Directory to Jamf Pro. This announcement comes on the heels of the partnership that Jamf announced last at its user conference. Organizations who use Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) and Jamf can now skip creating a local account on macOS, and go straight to using Active Directory. It’s now easy to use Azure Active Directory on a Mac.

This process will speed up onboarding for new machine deployment. Employees can now take a Mac out of the box and log in using their Active Directory credentials. No local account will need to be set up first. This announcement comes on the heels of Jamf’s purchase of NoMAD and rebranding it as Jamf Connect. With Jamf Connect (the previous NoMAD premium solution) users will be able to authenticate to their Mac with their Azure Active Directory credentials. Now employees will be able to use the same username and password on their Mac as they are using on their Exchange 365 account. This photo shows a Microsoft login during the macOS setup assistant.

I’ve talked a lot about identity management in the enterprise over the past few years. Right now, Google has a leg on built-in solutions with Apple barely showing any interest. Microsoft has certainly been growing its cloud services stack with Azure Active Directory and Exchange 365. If an organization chooses Microsoft as their identity management system, they can now easily deploy Macs alongside Windows 10 devices while keeping a unified set of credentials.

Jamf is currently hosting the Jamf Nation User Conference, so I am sure more details will be coming out soon. Follow our guide for all the latest information on the latest with Apple, Jamf, and the surrounding ecosystem.