With Jessica Jones season three looming on the horizon, many fans are anxiously waiting for any news of the release date. Unfortunately, this season will be the last season, for now at least. That means that anything we’ve been hoping for up until this point has to happen now, or it might never happen on screen.

Some of the most iconic scenes and events for Jessica in the comics have yet to appear on the small screen. That could simply be because they’re taking a different direction with her character, or it could just be that they were waiting for the right moment. Here’s hoping it’s the latter!

Here’s a short list of some of the things we hope to see in the next season of Jessica Jones; no matter how unlikely it actually is for these events to occur.


This one is fairly likely to actually happen. The real question is how close they’re going to end up sticking to the comics. In the comics, Patsy Walker becomes a superhero in her own right. She takes on the hero name Hellcat when in costume, and generally has a lot of fun with the role.

Hellcat is an incredibly energetic hero, with feline grace and psychic abilities. She gains her psychic abilities from her suit and thus does not have access to them all the time. Her natural fighting abilities are enhanced by supernatural agility, and having retractable claws doesn’t hurt either.

In the show, Patsy’s human backstory has been fairly accurate to her character. She’s got the teenage show and comic background, the obnoxious mother, the works. The biggest change for her character would be the slight change towards a grayscale character, as her obsession with becoming super-powered overwhelms her need to be a good friend.

Jonah Jameson Needs Help

In Jessica Jones: Alias volume three, Jonah Jameson, of all people, comes to Jessica in desperate need of help. Well… actually, it all starts out as him hiring her to reveal the secret identity of Spider-Man. And he wants her to find some dirt on the guy while she’s at it – so that Jonah can finally prove to the world that Spider-Man is worthy of his hate. It ends up being that Jonah actually needs Jessica help though, something he resents more than anything else in the world.

Seeing Jonah Jameson, a man famous for his anger, and Jessica Jones, a woman famous for her short fuse, interact on screen would be absolutely priceless. Especially if they could get JK Simmons to reprise his role as Jonah Jameson.

Maria Hill Gets Into Trouble

In Jessica Jones: The Secrets of Maria Hill, things go very poorly for Agent Hill. S.H.I.E.L.D. has had all of their secrets blown out into the open, and Maria Hill does not look good in the aftermath. Some of the things she’s done…well, there’s a reason that people dislike her in the comics, and it has something to do with her determination to take action.

In this plot, Maria shows up in Jessica’s office/apartment, bloody and injured, just having survived an attempt on her life. She needs Jessica to find out who is trying to kill her (this time). This plot would fit in well with the series and with what has been happening in the MCU. S.H.I.E.L.D. did have all of their secrets outted during Captain America: The Winter Soldier, so it’s a completely plausible event. Even if realistically too much time has gone by at this point. We can still hope.

Matt Murdock As Jessica Jones’ Lawyer

In the TV series, Jessica Jones has managed to retain Jeri Hogarth as her lawyer. Hogarth is a true shark, and in truth, is probably the perfect lawyer for Jessica. They don’t get along, basically at all, but they certainly can get the job done. However, it’s unlikely that the two will continue working together, for one reason or another.

In the comics, Matt Murdock is Jessica’s lawyer. This was the case both before and after Jessica learned about his alter identity. This is a pairing that also worked out well. Matt Murdock is infamous for his willingness to take on tough cases for little to no cost…and Jessica isn’t known for being financially stable. Murdock has proven himself to be invaluable to Jessica time and time again, as she manages to get herself arrested all over the place.

Jessica Jones And Scott Lang

Did you know that in the comics, Jessica Jones and Scott Lang were a thing? He was actually pretty good for her, all things considered. He managed to lighten up her life, and he truly listened when she told him the truth about the Purple Man. He didn’t even run then, which is saying something. Unfortunately for the couple, something else ends up getting in the way of their relationship. But it was good while it lasted.

It’s extremely unlikely that this will actually happen in the third season of Jessica Jones, but we can hope, right? There are a few obstacles in the way of this plot arc though. One of which is Lang’s appearance in the MCU. So far there hasn’t been much of a crossover, so it’s unlikely to start now. The other issue is his current canon relationship with Hope Van Dyne. However unlikely it is, it would be nice to see Scott try and cheer up Jessica, even if for just one scene.

Jessica Jones And Jessica Drew

Jessica Jones and Jessica Drew (aka Spider Woman). If you knew only the basics about these two characters, it wouldn’t take much to start getting the two confused. They’re both superpowered, but both are also private investigators.

In the comics, both have had children, and both are best friends to Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel. To further add to this confusion, sometimes the two even cross paths.

They don’t get along too great, unsurprisingly. They both have strong personalities that can and will clash with the other. But they’re both great at their job and are fully capable of a team-up when needed. Considering all the love that Spider-Verse has bringing to secondary Spider-Man characters, this one seems like it might be a possibility, however unlikely.

The Purple Man Returns

In the comics, it’s basically a given that any good antagonist will not stay dead for long. This includes the Purple Man, aka Killgrave. He’s excellent at staying alive, no matter what has been done to him. We’ve seen him shot and thrown into the sun, but even that isn’t enough. Assuming that they even had the right guy – it wouldn’t be the first time that Killgrave tricked somebody into killing the wrong person.

While it would be frightening to see, a reappearance of Killgrave would be perfect for season three of the series. Of course, given that the series has been announced as canceled after this season, one has to hope that this season won’t end in a cliffhanger. So if Killgrave is back, they better deal with him quickly.

Luke Cage

In the comics, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones have a very different relationship. In the beginning, it was more similar to what we saw in season one of Jessica Jones – where they were more casual, and both happily hiding things from each other. Luke Cage has a bit of a reputation for being a cape chaser in the comics — but who can blame him? He’s strong enough to be a danger to most ‘normal’ women, so his options are limited.

Circumstances occur in the comics that bring the two together in a more permanent sense…they have a daughter. It was a bit of a surprise, to say the least, but they both stepped up and immediately started doing the right thing for little Danielle Cage. It’s adorable and many fans would die to see this happen in the show.

The Purple Man Speaks Through Danielle

Nobody is off-limits to Killgrave. He’ll go after anyone and do just about anything. Children are not an exception to this rule. If anything, he enjoys the strong emotions that this elicits. Yes, he is a true creep through and through. Unfortunately, that means that if given an option, Killgrave absolutely would use little Danielle as a way of further scarring her mother.

There are consequences of him going after little Danielle, though. Jessica may not be the best at making friends, but the ones she has are loyal to a fault. And nobody responds well when finding out that an innocent child is being used.

The inclusion of this scene in the third season would be entirely dependent on point number three. Though it’s possible that Jessica could be having somebody else’s kid, or for her to become attached to one or two already shown to be in her life.

Purple Daughter (Spoiler warning)

Purple Daughter is a plot that’s currently in active print. Thus we actually have no idea how it’s going to end. It’s being written by Kelly Thompson, and man has she not been pulling punches lately. The current plot has thrown everyone through a loop, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage included.

In this plot, Danielle Cage has suddenly turned a deep and disturbingly familiar shade of purple. It’s horrifying and heartbreaking. And worse of all, we don’t know what it means. Did Killgrave get his hands on her? Was she always Killgrave’s child? What’s his game here? And what can be done to stop it?

This plot probably isn’t going to be shown in the Netflix series, since it hasn’t actually concluded. It’s also contingent on the two previous plots mentioned making it into the show. It’d be a lot to fit in one season…but if they did go through route, it’s a safe bet that we’d all be fascinated and emotionally scarred by the plot.