This year, there’s a great deal about Apple products and technologies at CES and the first time this year, CES asked MacTech to provide a full day of Apple content, insight, and expertise. They’ve put together some of the best in the business to help CES attendees to understand what Apple is doing, where the opportunities are, and how they can make the most of what Apple and the Apple community have to offer. It’s the first time those in the general technology market can get insight from those people that live the Apple market every day – up close and personal.

This is not just for techs or geeks—it’s for the technology minded.

Aside from the MacTech Insight keynote, the sessions that fill the Jan. 10 day include:

– The Cloud, Apple Style – Storage – Windows on a Mac – Engaging People with Technology – Home Automation – Taking App Concepts to Reality – Managing Mobile Devices – Backing Up, Protecting Your Data